Monday, February 27, 2006

Sometimes we try...

I know that things are difficult when you're struggling day after day to make your dreams come true. Recently my wife had a job opportunity at a company that would have been a dream job. She tried for it, and God knows we do need something like that. Sadly things didn't go as we wished.

I do believe that she did her best. I couldn't be prouder of her. She tried her best.

Sometimes we can't get what we want at the moment. As much as we want it to be otherwise. We try, we struggle, we lose. Thing is that we have another day to try, struggle and lose again and again and again... Until one day. That's the day that we try, struggle... and WIN. One day it will happen. Yes, things are bad now-a-days, with almost no income and debts, but who knows. My wife is a great writer. I believe that one day she will be published and she will be an acomplished writer. I believe in her dream as much as I believe in mine. One day we will live using our art to express ourselves, to entertain you, and to be what we have always dreamed: Winners!

Until then, the best I can do is to hold my dear wife and let her know this:

Honey, I'm proud of you, no matter what. You'll always have me, win or lose. Thank you for trying.


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