Monday, February 20, 2006

During the weekend...

Hi there!

Well, this was an interesting weekend. On Saturday I went to Austin to be with the Austin Screenwriters Group. This group meets every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. In here you can have your script read and recieve a critique on your work. This is very valuable as a writer since you are getting feedback on your work. I recommend this as a great learning tool. For those of you who live in the Austin area and want to become a screenwriter pleas visi their website.

On other things, this was sure a wet AND cold weekend (for Texas anyway). With temperature on or about 30 degrees there was nothing much to do during the day, but to stay home. That translate to watching movies and reading!

The book that I read was Stephen Kings new novel, Cell. What else can I say but Mr. King has done a trully terrifying tale about the end of the world. this tale is dedicated to Richard Matheson (I am Legend) and Geaorge A. Romero (The Dead series of movies). This is a fine tale of survival horror with great characters, suspense and gore.

The action starts very fast. In fact all hell break loose in page 5! The etory is about an art teacher who has gotten a dream job working for Dark Horse comics. Less than a few hours of hitting the jackpot the whole world comes tubling down due to a phenomenon, known as the Pulse, a strange signal is generated inside cell phones and all who are using the devices turns into a crazed zombie-like creature, tearing and attacking whoever, or whatever, is in front of them. And considering how many millions of cell phones exist around the world, we have an event that may well be the start of the end of the world. Clay, the artist, and a group of survivors tries to escape from Boston, but with each passing moment Clay is reminded that he must return to Maine to find out about his wife and to deal with the nightmarish thought that his 12 year old son has a cell phone. And to make the situation worse, these creatures are evolving.

This sure was a page turner. I even finished it in one day! I guess being a zombie fan made me enjoy this book a lot. But even if you're not a zombie genre fan, you will enjoy this thrilling horror masterpiece.

On the movie department, me and my wife got to rent Doom with the Rock and Karl Urban. Ok... first things first. If you want to watch great cinema then go and rent Citizen Kane or one of the great movies. This movie is without any shame an action flick full of cliches, bad acting, sub-par dialog and no story development whatsoever. If you seen Aliens (a real classic) then you know the plot. A bunch of marines go to a horrible location in a bug hunt. Now if your just looking for a fun flick, then this will work for you. It has monsters, gore galore, zombies, and the most coolest thing in the movie, a five minute First Person View sequence just like the video game. For me this sequence was worth the experience of watching this movie. It feels just like the video game, from the weapon reloading to the hero shooting at his own reflection on a mirror. I recommend this movie for this sequence alone!

The other DVD was Wallace & Gromit: The Curse of the Were-Rabitt. Being a fan of all the Wallace & Gromit shorts I was delighted with this one. It is a shame I missed it at the theaters. This is such a charming movie that I think all the family can enjoy. Wallace and his best friend, Gromit are pest control specialist who deals against the threat of rabbits eating all the vegetables in town. But when Wallace has an idea to eperiment with the rabbits to make them hate vegetables, things go rather bad when he unleash the Curse of the Were-Rabbit!

I just hope this one wins the Oscar this year!

Now this week is going to be interesting. the Ultimate Avengers is coming out tomorrow, Tuesday. It looks good so far and I've been wanting to see a good Captain AMerica animated movie for some time now. Let's see how this one comes out.

See you all later!


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