Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Valentines and other stuff

Hi, people!

Here I am, killing time on my lunch break. Usually I'm just writing biographies on my characters for my screenplay, but I left my notepad at home.

If you're wondering, yup, that's me. This photo was taken in the late 90's back home in Puerto Rico. That used to be my old bookshelve inside my room. Notice the Star Wars novels and other books. Also check the ZZ Gundam model I built. It is inside the Gen 13's Rainmaker coffee mug. Damn, this brings lots of memories. I miss them all.

Right now I have like 20 minutes to go. Hopefully enough time to write down a few things.

Funny. I never kept a diary in my whole life. More funny is one that everybody can read. I guess I got to get used to that.

Well, right at this moment I'm at my job. It is a small print shop & sign place. It's not much, and it helps pay some bills. But God knows I need something better. having a college degree and getting paind $9:50 an hour it's not right.

Hence, that is why I want to become a filmmaker. It has been my dreams all life long.

I'll give more details about my first script later. Right now I want to get one thing straight. I'm not a perfect beign. I am human, unlike my namesake. I have done a lot of mistakes in my life, some I have got over with, some I still live with them day by day. I think the worst one I have done is that sometimes I'm very blind to the needs of the person I love the most.

Today in Valentine's Day I want to get this in RECORD:

Baby Princess, I love you with all my heart, and please forgive me for not seeing your pain earlier today. Sometimes I think too much about our situation. When that happens, I'm trying to fix a problem, but I tend to ignore everything else. For that I'm sorry.

Please forgive me for putting too much on you.

I love you.

There. It is done.

Soon I'll be adding a few things here, there, and everywhere. I'll give you all some insight on my work and a few other things!

See ya later!!!


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