Monday, February 13, 2006

To quote Obi-Wan: "Hello there!"

This is my first Blog... I guess everybody is making one, so here's for joining the band wagon!

Well, let's start whith who I am. My name is Edward. You can call me Eddie or Ed. I'm a graphic designer working for a mom and pop printshop and I'm trying to become a screenwriter. I've writen a comic book titled Changuy back in the mid 90's in Puerto Rico. I used to have a website called Crossroads at the Outer Realms, but I stopped doing it ever since 9/11.

I've finished my first script and I'm on the rewrite process. Hopefully I'll be able to work out more screenplays soon.

Well, I'm a geek. There, I said it. I like Transformers. I like Star Wars. I love movies. I love video games, I love Magic the Gathering, I love books... I love a lot of things.

If you play MTGO (and if you do, you know what MTGO stands for) you can find me as Lord_Galvatron.

I'll keep posting from time to time.

See ya all later!



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