Wednesday, February 15, 2006

A hard day at work!

Sheesh! I'm having one hell of a day at my job. Sure sucks a lot, but I'll manage with my insanity intact! Thank God for lunch breaks!

Anyway... I'm just winding down here for a while, having a lot to think about. First, I got to find a better job. Second, my wife needs a better job too. Am I seeing a patter developing over here, or is it just in my mind? I dunno.

Sometimes I think that life can be unfair. Having to deal with depression can be a factor in this too. I guess that you must believe that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel, no matter what. If I don't, then I'll be lost. It is a simple as that, right?

On to better things:

I'm planning to do a major rewrite to my first script. There are many things that I'm planning to change. Hopefully this will improve the script. One of the problems that I'm facing is dialog. It seems that all the characters sound the same, which it is not cool. I also want to make some changes with some of the characters and the way the story goes. Hopefully I'll start later this week.

The title of the script is The Key and the Guardian. The story is about a criminal psychologist, Dr. Mike Robalo. He is an expert on studying criminal behaviour regarding the occult. His expertise leads him to debunk these "occult" angle from the committed crime. One day he recieves a call, his father, who he hasn't spoke too since his mom divorced him, is dying of cancer. Mike goes back to his home town, Heaven's Gate, to bury the hatchet with his father. The reason why he deson't speak with his father is that when Mike was a child, his father filled his head with stories about demons, monsters, and the occult. His father, Albert Robalo, used to tell him that his family are the key and the guardians to the gates of hell, and their responsibility is to guard these gates so they will never open. The reponsability is handled from father to child, generation to generation. Since the curse started on Roanoke Island during the 1500's.

Mike never believed this, but he will find out that all those stories his father told him are true. And it may be too late to save the human race from becoming demon fodder.

I'll give more details later... I only got a few seconds left!

Time to go!

PS. as a parting gift, here are a few screenshots from MTGO 3.0!!!

Sweetness!!!!!! Pics taken from Gamespy

See ya later!!


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