Thursday, February 16, 2006

Holy Terror, Batman!

Frank Miller is king! All hail Miller!

I just read today that Frank Miller is writing a new Batman story in which his new enemy happens to be none other than Osama Bin Laden! I gotta say that he must be the bravest comic book creator living now. To do something like this, he gotta have a lot of cojones! Holy Terror, Batman! will be published later this year.

For those of you who don't know who Frank Miller is (and I hope there are not a lot of you who don't know), Miller is probaly one of the most gifted comic creator in history. His works includes the legendary Daredevil run of the early 80's, which gave us Elektra, Ninjas and Daredevil's mentor Stick. It also added The Kingpin as Daredevil's arch enemy. Before that the Kingpin was part of Spider-Man's rogues gallery.

He also worked on Ronin, a storty about a Feudal era Samurai transported into the future, I believe this was the basis for Samurai Jack. His most famous work happens to be Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, in which a 50 year old Batman comes back from retirement. Miller is also know for Sin City, which he co-directed the movie with Robert Rodriguez, and 300, basis for the new movie by Zack Snyder in which 300 spartans fight against an army of thousands.

Holy Terror, Batman! sure sounds like one to read.

If you want to read on overview of Batman: The Dark Knight Returns go here. Be warned... Lot of spoilers!

BTW - Batman and art is copyright DC Comics.

I'll be back later to have a few more comments!

See ya later!!!!


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