Monday, May 05, 2008

Well, It's been some time.

God, I almost forgot this Blog exist! I haven't accessed this page in a long time now. Well, I'm still alive, considering I was just diagnosed with Diabetes since last February.

I have to say this has been a life changing experience. I decided to fight this back. So far I have lost 32 pounds, eating better and taking care of myself. My original weight in mid-February was 252, now I'm 220! What a difference!

I also have a new job, working for a national Cell Phone Provider. I work in the Customer Finance Dept. It is not a bad job, but it is sometime very hard, dealing with people screaming because their phones were shut off!

I finally got myself a Prism E2 Stunt Kite in Citrus color scheme. It is a lot of fun to fly. Now all I need is a kite bag to hold all my four kites!

I'll see about writing more often. It's good to have a place to express myself and hopefully have people listen to what I have to say!



At 7:16 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

keep, hanging on ed, if life was so easy anyone could live it. hope you keep up the fight. i'm glad to know that your still among the living. take care, your bro- anibal

At 12:33 AM, Blogger Olin said...

Congratulations Lord Galvatron! Improving your life is always a good idea.

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