Monday, September 17, 2007

How things change...

First, I'm sorry for the lack of posting. It's been a very hectic couple of months. A lot of bad things happened to me, but also some few good things. First the bad...

I was having a lot of money problems, still have them. My current job is not paying enough and I've had a lot of sleepless nights thinking about problems. Sometimes things can get very bad, specially if you can't stop to think about them.

Now for good news: I found a new job working for Nextel. The pay and benefits are way much better. I can probably be able to get my finances back in track and then be able to be more creative and write scripts again.

In the mean time I got 2 new kites for my birthday this past July. A Prism Micron (Red) and a Nexus (Blue)! With my other Nexus I could get a stack line set and stack those two! that would look great! I will add photos of these kites very soon!

Now all I have to do is somehow survive these coming month. 2 weeks on my old job and 2 weeks more for my new paycheck!

Ready or not...



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