Friday, June 09, 2006

One step forward!

This has been a great week. I've been hit hard because of my problems with finances. It was getting so bad I started to lose all hope. When you lose your hope... It's a horrible feeling. You feel alone and scared of facing each day. You don't want people to see you, you avoid your loved one.

Hope is a terrible thing to lose.

Just at the moment that you desperately cry for help... that moment that you feel so much on top of you, that's when it comes to you like a bolt from the blue.

At first, my wife started getting job interviews. One right after the other! She got hired today in a location that is 10 minutes away from my current job, she even has the same hours that I have! That will help us getting our feet back on the ground! That took off a lot of pressure away from me! We can start saving some money now, and we don't need to live by one paycheck.

Now the other event that made this a great week for me is something that will help me get my carreer as a filmmaker going forward. I've been planning to do a short film project for a few weeks now. I finished the first draft of the script, which is a fan film based on a comic book character. My problem was how to get this project rolling. I want to get some of the equipment, including camera, a computer for editing, movie making software and some other stuff. The rest of the equipment can be rented, like a steady cam harness and a crane. But seeing my huge money problem, I was loosing hope and feeling scared.

Out of desperation I wrote some e-mails to different people. One of them answered back 4 days later.

It was the Texas Film Commission.

They told me they want to help me and they want to read the script! This must be a sign from heaven! Even if they can't help me much, this means a lot to me.

I honestly feel that this is a step forward towards my goal. Pretty soon I'll be yelling "ACTION" and have my vision made true by the camera lense.

If this is the break I need, and probably it will be, I will announce it on this blog. I'll also announce who is the comic book character that my film will be about, and I will create another blog with details from pre-production, production, and post production.

In the meantime, I'll be working on a new draft of that script and get it ready to send to the Texas Film Commission.

It's just one step forward, one at a time.